So, I went tot he house today with the realtor (yes, they exist here, usually referred to the "paraperty dealer"). I wanted to do a once over to make sure everything worked before signing the contract. I don't know what happened on the last couple of days of the previous tenant's contract, but it seems that every foreign restaurant in town threw up on the floor. I have never seen such nastiness. I nearly cried. I had to quickly change all the days plans to clean. I mean it took hours just to sweep all of the trash out. Then we began to clean!
It took me, a teammate, and a local housekeeper all day just to clean the flat I am moving into. (There are two other flats in the building that we will start on tomorrow.) WE hired a truck and they made two trips and will make another tomorrow. SO most of our stuff is actually in the building but I think ti will take days before the house is really livable.
Oh, and someone left the basement window open and the screen is torn, so since the place is so nasty, guess what came in for a visit? Oh yeah... cock roaches. I nearly lost my mind. But I really believe that this time it is not a house structural issue. I think it is simply a nastiness issue that can be resolved with a few roach motels, boric acid, and bleach! I love bleach! What a great invention! What is that called? Something hypochloride or was it an hypochlorate I get the ides and ates confused? Oh well, chemistry was over 20 years ago. I guess I am allowed to forget a bit.
I am so thankful for my teammate, K, who helped me. If she hadn't been there I think I would have lost my mind. And, the availability of Dettol products (the British version of Lysol) is one of the huge blessings of life here. I go to the foreign shop and I stand in the cleaning products isle and bask in the glow of antiseptic/antibacterial products! Now, i am not a germa-phobe... perhaps I should be as much as I get sick here. But I love to clean! And, I think there is enough antibacterial products available here that if we poured them all into the sewer, perhaps children would stop getting so sick from their drinking water! But I digress...
Back to the house. It really is a nice place and there are very few repairs that need to be made, thankfully. But the amount of cleaning that needs to be done pretty much negates the time saved by few repairs. I am not sure that easy should even be in the vocab here.
So, tomorrow we go to buy carpets. I think I shall put linoleum in my room so that... yes, it will be easier to clean. So much dust here. If we could package the dust and sell it for something, the financial woes of this country would fade into the sunset. But again, I digress. I am really tired and have a hard time staying on task when I am this tired.
I don't need a big fancy place, but I need to have some beauty. I need a place that is "mine" where I can retreat to and rest. When I sit with a dying child, I need to go home and let down. I am excited about this house. I think it has the potential to be beautiful and homey. I just need to unpack and get settled in... Oh and the great thing? The contract is for two years! If we actually make it that long, it will be the longest I have been anywhere in recent memory! :)
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